by Mary Bowman

Mary Bowman, a 25 year old woman, is a nationally known poet who was born with HIV. Mary’s LOTUS collection of poetry received the 2011 book of the year award by the National Underground Spoken Word Poetry Awards and her work has been featured in several blogs, the radio, and newspapers such as the New York Times. Mary is currently building her own organization, Purpose Over Entertainment (POET), which is dedicated to reducing stigma and ignorance through the use of visual and performing arts. Mary's poem Dandelion is dedicated to her mother, who passed away from an AIDS related infection.
Read by Alice
A dandelion in the midst of rose bushes would stick out like a sore thumb to ignorant souls
But I know the road this dandelion endured
This weed that all gardeners want to destroy is more appreciated by God than any seemingly beautiful bush of roses
Though that misunderstood dandelion won’t for long last
Let it be known that God gave it the role of the outcast for divine importance
My mother was a dandelion in the midst of roses
Ignorant of her purpose she uprooted her soul and unknowingly left herself for dead
It has been said that my mother when above the influence transmuted broken hearts into smiles
All the while dying on the inside
AIDS didn’t kill my mother
It put her at rest
Now this song bird whistles in the key of silence
And I the latter of five write poems documenting the struggle unknown to my family
The sickness she denied lies in my blood with a lesser value
People speak I don’t know how you can live with knowing nothing but owning the growing disease that your mother for so long fought
But see that’s the difference between a rose and a dandelion
Roses were created with thorns to warn hand approaching without caution, but
Dandelions were not given that option
But they were created by an all knowing God
And that all knowing God created dandelions with the strength to withstand ignorance and hatred
Dandelions live in this matrix of life understanding the price
Roses live like the world was handed
Dandelions take the world and won’t leave a rose stranded
But my mother died before she got the chance to realize that dandelions are blessings in disguise
She I dare say died before her time
That thought lingers in my mind conflicting my belief in the divine
My mama raised me in the faith that the day God sweeps you away is a day proclaimed way before the manifestation
But I can’t help but experience devastation knowing nothing about the woman who carried me toting guns in the defense of my father
It is even harder knowing nothing about her but knowing the reason the hospital has become my second home is because this dandelion
chose to roam with the buffalo
But I seek serenity in the fact that she just didn’t know
That she a dandelion was just as beautiful as a rose
And I will go forth knowing my purpose as a dandelion
This life is worth all the crying and all the dying I have to do just so someone in my shoes can live
I will gladly give myself as the sacrifice if it means that all the dandelions in the world become viewed as more than the consequence of sins behind closed doors
You can lay me on my back and present me lifeless to God if it means that dandelions with unseen scars will not be viewed as odd
But as gifts from God to show the world that beauty lies not in the petals of flowers but in the power of unconditional love
And in the strength of the untouched, un-hugged, sometimes unloved but most important of all un-budged dandelions
Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
HIV can be transmitted from an HIV positive mother to her child during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. In 2014, 73% of children in the U.S. with HIV and 88% of children in the U.S. with AIDS got HIV through perinatal transmission[1].
In the absence of any treatment, transmission rates range from 15% to 45%. However, with proper treatment, this rate can be reduced to less than 5% [2]. Advances in research, prevention and treatment have helped to reduce perinatal transmission of HIV by more than 90% since the 1990s [2]. By ensuring that mothers know their HIV status and have access to proper treatment, mother-to-child transmission can be drastically reduced.
[1] CDC, “HIV Among Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children,” HIV/AIDS, March 23, 2016, http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/gender/pregnantwomen/.
[2] “WHO | Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV,” WHO, accessed December 3, 2016, http://www.who.int/hiv/topics/mtct/en/.